Daily Archives: April 7, 2011

Stretching Those Wings

It’s been Spring Break this week in the South Bay.  My son exercised his fledgling driving wings and drove down to Palm Springs – 2 cars, 9 friends.  They figured out one big hotel suite, put it on my plastic but paid me cash before leaving and drove off Monday morning.

Despite my concerns about getting busted for too many room occupants, I guess they handled things perfectly well.  He even called (well texted) me unprompted the next day and said ‘Hey mom. Second day is going great [smileyface]’.  To be honest, I felt this was an important adventure/venturing for him – I was excited (but didn’t let on).  It’s just that I so remember the stretching of my wings.

My independence was very important to me, and my awesome Mum did a really good job handling it.  I already know the scary stuff I put her through, and so far my son hasn’t even scratched the surface (and fingers crossed he won’t veer as hard off the path as I did).  The overwhelming lesson in parenting I got and get, is that some guidance is key – knowing the line between guiding and controlling is crucial.

And if perchance my son refers to me as ‘awesome’ when he’s past the half-century, then I guess I’ll have done alright too.

P.S. I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month – a blog a day if I can.

In Support of Japan

At last night’s monthly meeting of the Torrance ADT (Animal Disaster Team), one of our group let us know she’s being deployed to Japan by Kindred Circle – an international animal disaster response team, along with JEARS – Japan Emergency Animal Response Services.  Ginny is an active volunteer and also a brain cancer survivor, so has a special perspective on life.  I would like to commend her here and wish her luck and success.

She could also do with a little extra help on the funds side, so if anyone reading this can spare a buck or two or five, it would be very greatly appreciated.  Please message me directly if you want to help Ginny help out in Japan.

I’d also like to share these heartfelt words, forwarded to me by my Buddhist friend (thank you Al):

Subject: Thich Nhat Hanh: Message to Friends in Japan

Dear friends in Japan,

As we contemplate the great number of people who have died in this
tragedy, we may feel very strongly that we ourselves, in some part or
manner, also have died.

The pain of one part of humankind is the pain of the whole of
humankind. And the human species and the planet Earth are one body.
What happens to one part of the body happens to the whole body.

An event such as this reminds us of the impermanent nature of our
lives. It helps us remember that what’s most important is to love each
other, to be there for each other, and to treasure each moment we
have that we are alive. This is the best that we can do for those who
have died: we can live in such a way that they continue, beautifully, in us.

Here in France and at our practice centers all over the world, our
brothers and sisters will continue to chant for you, sending you the
energy of peace, healing and protection. Our prayers are with you.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh is often referred to as the most beloved Buddhist teacher in the West.