Practicing What You Preach

Yesterday was kinda hectic after a relatively calm and pretty enjoyable week.  As the day wore on I began to think I wasn’t going to get to my UBC blog.  The more I thought that thought, the more likely it would become reality.  Sure enough, at 11:59pm, which I swear is when I last glanced down at the clock on my computer, I let it go.

Earlier in the week I’d had a couple of conversations where I’d strongly recommended to a client/friend that she stop thinking and talking about all the bad things that MIGHT happen, because it changes the way you interact with the object of your concern and by doing so becomes exactly what you were afraid of.  It had already happened once and I reminded her of that.

Here was I, doing the same thing: thinking I wasn’t going to get to something, then spending so much time trapped in that thought, that the clock ran out 🙁

P.S. I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month – a blog a day if I can.

2 Responses

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  1. 🙂 Lots of people think that because I seem to charge on ahead into things that I never feel that feeling, but oh, I do. Probably about 100 x’s worse than anyone will ever realize. “Thinking about all the things that might go wrong” is a rough one to work around, and something I think that we all have to work on defeating on a sort of renewal basis. Every day, every situation, and boy, I wish I could say “Oh but it gets so much easier!”
    Maybe one day it does, but I’ve not gotten there just yet. 😉

    1. Yes, Tori, I’m 100% with you there!

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