Stretching Those Wings

It’s been Spring Break this week in the South Bay.  My son exercised his fledgling driving wings and drove down to Palm Springs – 2 cars, 9 friends.  They figured out one big hotel suite, put it on my plastic but paid me cash before leaving and drove off Monday morning.

Despite my concerns about getting busted for too many room occupants, I guess they handled things perfectly well.  He even called (well texted) me unprompted the next day and said ‘Hey mom. Second day is going great [smileyface]’.  To be honest, I felt this was an important adventure/venturing for him – I was excited (but didn’t let on).  It’s just that I so remember the stretching of my wings.

My independence was very important to me, and my awesome Mum did a really good job handling it.  I already know the scary stuff I put her through, and so far my son hasn’t even scratched the surface (and fingers crossed he won’t veer as hard off the path as I did).  The overwhelming lesson in parenting I got and get, is that some guidance is key – knowing the line between guiding and controlling is crucial.

And if perchance my son refers to me as ‘awesome’ when he’s past the half-century, then I guess I’ll have done alright too.

P.S. I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month – a blog a day if I can.

7 Responses

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  1. How kewl it is when our children reach that next level of adult hood. I still want to keep my baby a baby even though now she is my baby expecting her second baby. As I watch her be a mom and all the little things my granddaughter does to her that she did to me…it confirms I raised her right and she does listen. But they will always be our children…

  2. Congratulations, Gillian! The sublime gratification of parenthood. Enjoyed your post and conjuring up my own memories!


  3. Appreciate your comments Michelle and Cindy, thank you.

  4. Congratulations, Gillian, on passing the test.
    We want so much for our children to have the best lives, that we sometimes fail to recognize that can only occur when we step back and let them lead the way. Oh, we worry and fret. But, all we really can do is continually provide them the basics and the tools to grow and mature.
    Thanks for giving me a chance to remember those steps of my children as they preened and extended their winds.
    Remember- we only experience the love when we let the bird fly freely. Otherwise, it is simply our captive!

    1. Appreciate the confirmation Roy, thank you.

  5. Hi Gillian, I teach teenagers and a few weeks ago one of them shared with me how the parents keep a very tight leash. Because of their parenting style, she initially rebelled but now she does things because she wants to experience life and not to intentionally rebel against them. It’s a great point you brought up about the fine line between guiding and controlling. My parents let me stretch my wings a lot and I am thankful for that!

    1. Good to hear Diana, thank you.

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